Thursday, June 10, 2010

Morgan U Meets Muscles

This week I met muscles in my body that previously I was completely unaware of.  I have a muscle just below the sagging crease of my bottom, somewhere below the exact spot that my saddle bags have been dwelling for as long as I can remember.  Deep, underneath the dimpled skin has been this muscle.  I tried to google the name of it and got nothing so I have named it my Bin Laden muscle for its fantastic ability to hide undetected for all these years.  this is not the only new muscle that I have met since beginning my strength training class.  There are two muscles right below Mary Kate and Ashley Boobson (my ta-tas).  I am hoping that if I pay attention to these muscles The Boobson twins may decide that there is life after nursing.
I have taken two classes so far and the results are - sore muscles, and less of a guilty feeling when I am pouring my totally deserved glass of wine at the end of the night.  I am proud of myself and have been having fun with it too.  For the 27th time this year I am vowing to you that I am turning over a new leaf.  This time the turning may take a little longer because my Oprah's ( the muscles under my arms that I was sure were wings) are a bit tender and bending over to the leaf may take a second more because I have a sharp stabbing pain in my back (that I will call Jesse James).
To leaf turning and new found friends!!!
To leaf turning and new found friends!!!
To leaf turning and new found friends!!!
To leaf turning and new found friends!!!
To leaf turning and new found friends!!!
Two more you can do it!
To leaf turning and new found friends!!!
one more- make it count!
Toooo leaf turning and                      newwwww found frienDs  !!!  Now for push ups!