Thursday, November 12, 2009


My day started with a dilema...never a good start. I woke up at 7:20 and I had to go to the bathroom...the dilema? I don't have to get up until 7:25. Whats a girl to do? Do I lay in my warm and cozy bed for five more minutes with one eye open while watching the clock- half praying that the time will go by fast so that I can relieve the uncomfortable pressure on my bladder and half begging for the five minutes to drag out slowly so that I dont have to get out of bed and start another day so soon. I better make up my mind quickly, because after all I only have 4 minutes left to decide and I dont want to waste any of that time actually thinking when I could be peeing or laying staring at the clock. I decide to pee, as I only have 3 minutes left and I csnt lay still or I will wet the bed, I do however let myself close my eyes during the process- half peeing- half sleeping, and not getting off of the throne until 7:25- because that is the time that I wake up. Not 7:20- no that is way to early.
The problem is that I will feel cheated all day. I am owed three more minutes of sleep. I will later feel like I deserve a treat for having been forced to sacrifice sleep. I will reward myself most likely with some form or other of an alcoholic beverage. I will decide that I dont have to count the two weight watchers points that make up my liquid reward, because clearly I burned more calories today, being that I woke up early.


Keagan said...

Haha! That sounds just like something I would do. But instead of sleeping on the throne, I hightail it back to bed for that remaining blissful 2 minutes until my alarm goes off...and then hit snooze.

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is, I think there are more of us who face this dilemma than care to admit it. Only you would actually put it into words! And of course, cracking us all up in the process.

Kim said...

I do that almost every morning. Do I get up and relieve the pressure or do I soak up the extra sleep? It's a damn hard choice.

Anonymous said...

I think that 4 am is a much more exciting time frame to get up and "void" OMG, then I have an incredible time getting back to sleep~~~~ This having kids thing is rediculous, (I know the spelling is wrong but I don't recogonize what is wrong). Wait until they have grown up and you can't stop that time frame. God that is not pretty>>>>>. Karen

MSU said...

So I'm a bit of a creep and I like to Google my own name (being a reporter, I check daily to see whether Google's auto-fill is yet able to recognize the "Morgan Ur..."). That being said, I either cannot spell or I'm suffering from sleep deprivation as well, because I spelled my last name (Urtso) without the "t." Interestingly enough, I have yet to stumble across a personal blog that I find intriguing enough to follow. I've been thoroughly convinced up until this day that my blog is the only pointless day-to-day account that anyone would find even mildly entertaining (that was only semi-sarcastic). Basically what I'm saying is good job and love the name.
Morgan UrTso